Just leave me a comment about this necklace (be nice, but a critical eye is needed). Let me know by 12/8 at midnight (EST) and I will pick a winner for a special something to brighten your holidays :) Does this peak your interest???

Hours: Monday: Monday-Friday 10-6; Saturday-Sunday: 10-4
I love the heart charm, it's absolutely stunning. My only criticism is that the three dangling stones are different shapes and sizes. I'm one of those people that's all about symmetry, so that is that only thing that bothered me. Some people might like it better that way, though! I wish my mom wore necklaces, because I would love to get her something like that.
What a great idea! I love it! I like how the dangling stones are different sizes, it gives it a unique look. My one suggestion would be a flashier chain, like a shiny sterling silver rope chain, the current one does not go with the look of the necklace.
I love the charm. I think I'd like it a little more if the charms "matched" in shape and size.
I really like the heart. It's very pretty. And I like the design of the necklace a lot. The blue bead pulls my focus for some reason. Like I want to say that if it was a softer color it would be slightly more even. But I think it's absolutely lovely and a lovely idea!
I am a Grammy and I love the necklace, it is perfect.
I love the heart and the different stones.
Thank you!
janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com
One of the grandmas of our household thought it was a lovely necklace (had no clue why I was showing it to her). According to the grandma, "The delicate heart contrasts the different stones which represent each grandchild who are completely different."
Great idea!
What a great idea! I think the necklace is gorgeous!
I think the heart charm is gorgeous. If I were making it I might replace the green bead with something about the same length but a little thinner, just to give it more contrast.
YES IT DEFINITELY DOES! I think it'll be perfect for my grandmother. She'll love it as it seems very much like something she'll like..I love the heart pendant the most! It's really sparkling and pretty.
Thanks for the giveaway!
Hmm. It'll be great it the beads were of the same color i think. Other than that, it's great!
I love it, I really like the 3 different stones. Gorgeous piece!
I feel like it's a little too much. If the heart were a little less elaborate, then it would feel a better to me.
I think that it's absolutely gorgeous!
kelli at pfrog dot net
I think it's very pretty. The heart, especially. However, I think maybe there needs to be a better way to attach the charms to it. The silver hoop seems a bit clunky. Maybe thin wire twisted down? Just a thought.
adams006 [at] hotmail [dot] com
What a thoughtful gift idea! I love the heart, and I love the three charms--but I'm not crazy about the combination. I tend to like simpler, cleaner designs so, if it were me, I would either use something much simpler to hang the birthstones on OR choose smaller birthstones that are all the same size to hang from the heart.
It is beautiful! At first I thought the stones should all be the same size or tone, but after looking at it longer they really grew on me as they are. I think it looks unique since it is not so uniform. rhonda (at) acedesignstudio (dot) com
I really like the pendant but the ends of the beads do not match. You have a very elegant piece with antique looking ends. Also I would not use a link that looks like it would go with dog tag necklaces. I would use a rope chain or box link chains.
I really like it.. I love the difference in the dangley charms. I do only have an issue is that the heart is a little fancier and the charms are a bit rustic. I think having a rustic chain/heart charm and beaded charms would be better.. tie the whole thing together... OR... make the beaded charms a little fancier. It's beautiful though, I am sure she Loves it!!
i think your grandmother's will love it, I would personally prefer if all the charms were more consistent in size though, but it is beautiful
mom2maria at hotmail
I like the asymmetry of the necklace but I just wonder how large the entire thing is. I think my mother-in-law would love a necklace that represented her grandchildren but she's not a very flashy type of person and maybe would like the whole thing a little smaller? Otherwise, I think it's gorgeous!
I really like the different sizes and shapes of the stones. My mother has four children and five grandchildren. There are 2 March, 1 August, 1 September, 3 October, and 2 December. Having different sizes and shapes for each month is great!
I just love the heart charm on it and the necklace is really pretty. I am not crazy about the middle charm being bigger but maybe thats just me :) It is great that you personalized it with the birthstones....little things like that mean a lot, especially to grandmas and moms. All in all the necklace is beautiful and I am sure your they will love it!
I love the heart charm and the chain LOVE IT. I also love the stones but I would also like to see them all the same size and type. Not only do I think it would look better but kids have a way of picking up that so and so's stone is bigger than mine. Why is hers/his bigger than mine? LOL
It is gorgeous and as a grandma I would wear it proudly knowing that it was made with love.
I like this necklace a lot though I would possibly make all the beads hanging from the heart softer colors. Just a thought! I make jewelry too!
I love this necklace! Beautiful! The heart charm and beads......very unique. My MIL (aka GRAMMA to our ds) would soooo love this! : )))
Thanks so much for this fabulous give~away! : )))
This would be a great gift for my mother who is a grandmother to 3 girls- age 6 months, 4 and 10. It would be a very special and meaningful gift.
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